So i went today for my first out patient rehab. i did like the therapist. she was pleased with my stairclimbing. i still need to work on extension and flexion. i am still having pain in both knees, though the right is worse. i have to get more serious about exercising, bending and flexing my knees. the pain is less than it was so it is a bit easier for me to do the bending. i am still taking pain med and have started taking tylenol which does seem to help a bit.
i am anxious to get out and start shooting again. i have gone thru some older photos, but haven't been on my pc computer yet. i am still using the laptop in the kitchen.
i will see the doctor on thursday, hoping he removes the *tails* part of the sutures from the incision. i think this will also help it to be more comfortable. my legs/feet were so swollen today i couldn't even get my shoes on.
the blue door photo is from kings park. this is one of the photos i had on display at the manhasset library.
ok, looking ahead!
:) roni
roni m chastain